Floral arrangement
Padre Pio in Scotland
Floral arrangement
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Knock Shrine Photo Gallery

knock info - Photo Gallery
Accommodation - Shrine site plan - Shrine Website

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The rear of old church with The Shrine on the left
Close up of the rear of old church with the glass side wall on the left
Stone Rosary Beads by Micheal Gregg, Jubilee 2000
A section of the original gable that the apparition apeared on
The rear of old church with
The Shrine on the left
Close up of the rear of old church
with the glass side wall on the left
Stone Rosary Beads by
Micheal Gregg, Jubilee 2000
A section of the original gable
that the apparition apeared on
The altar in The Shrine
The Story of Knock on a stone in The Shrine
Close up of the altar in The Shrine
The large glass rear wall of The Shrine during Mass
The altar in The Shrine
The Story of Knock on
a stone in The Shrine
Close up of the altar
in The Shrine
The large glass rear wall
of The Shrine during Mass
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There are two Calvarys on the site with The Stations of The Cross. The first is near the entrance to the site and
is pictured below in the first 3 pictures. The second one is on the hill at the opposite end of the site behind the
Chapel of Reconciliation and can just be made out in the last picture below.

View of the Basilica with the 1st Calvary in the foreground
Calvary with the Stations of The Cross behind
The Stations of The Cross form an arc behind Calvary
Calvary and Stations behind Chapel of Reconciliation
View of the Basilica with the
1st Calvary in the foreground
Calvary with the Stations
of The Cross behind
The Stations of The Cross
form an arc behind Calvary
Calvary and Stations behind
Chapel of Reconciliation.
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The Basilica
The Holy Water Fountains

The Exposition Chapel

The Basilica
The Holy Water Fountains
The Exposition Chapel
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St. Joseph's Hostel
St. Joseph's Hostel
St. Joseph's Hostel
St. Joseph's Hostel
St. Joseph's Hostel reopened in April 2002 under the care of The St. John of God Hospitaller Order.
Accommodation for people with disabilities and helpers on a nightly basis. Several rooms are
designed for even the most serious disabilities. Volunteers in the Order's Services welcome.
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Some of the other Hostels and the Day Care Centre
St. John's Rest & Care Day Centre
The Family Life Centre
St. John's Rest & Care Day Centre
The Family Life Centre

St. John's Rest & Care Centre is a Day Care Centre for invalid and sick pilgrims visiting Knock.
Doctor on call. Wheelchairs available. Light Refreshments. Mini-bus with Wheelchair Lift available.
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Prayer Guidance Centre
Audio Visual Centre
Audio Visual Centre
During the Pilgrimage
Season, a programme
of religious film is
screened in the A.V.
Room of the Prayer
Guidance Centre.
Admission is Free.
Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry facilitates
young people by creating
a space where they can
discover God.

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The Chapel of Reconciliation
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Confessions are available every day.
There are over 30 confessionals to cope
with the crowds on special days.

The Altar in The Chapel of Reconciliation
The Altar in The Chapel of Reconciliation
Close up of the Altar Centrepiece
Close up of the Altar Centrepiece
The Chapel of Reconciliation
A professional counselling
service is provided all year
round in the Counselling
Centre at the 'Chapel of
Reconciliation'. Counselling
is available on a drop-in
basis or by appointment
The Chapel of Reconciliation
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The Old Parish Church
Close up of the Basilica
Close up of a Station of The Cross
The Papal Cross
The Old Parish Church
Close up of the Basilica
Close up of a Station of The Cross
The Papal Cross
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Statue of Our Lady
Souvenir Shops
Souvenir Shops
Statue of Our Lady
Statue of Our Lady
Souvenir Shops
Souvenir Shops
Statue of Our Lady
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Jubilee Memorial 2000
Memorial to the Papal visit plaque
25th Anniversary of the Papal Visit Plaque
Jubilee Memorial 2000
Memorial to the Papal visit
25th Anniversary of the Papal Visit
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For more information, click on the link below to reach the official Knock Shrine website .
Knock Logo
Floral banner
Padre Pio was particularly fond of flowers
"God Bless You" message with Bible and floral background